Sacral Heritage of Krk – Experience Krk
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Sacral Heritage of Krk

Sacral Heritage of Krk


per person

St. Quirinus is the patron of the city of Krk and every year on the feast of St. Quirinus (4th June) locals celebrate. Hundreds of pilgrims arrive to Krk in order to participate on the holy mass that is held in the cathedral.

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located close to the church of St. Quirinus, that has a valuable sacral collection of this Golden Island, Krk. Another important part of the city of Krk in terms of the sacral heritage is the Square of the Glagolitic Monks and we recommend you visit this too. On this square several monastic communities coexisted through decades – Benedictine nunnery and Franciscan monastery are still active today, and the deserted Benedictine monastery and the Poor Clares nunnery.

According to the local stories, the bell tower of the Franciscan monastery was built at the end of the 18th century, despite the protest from the Poor Clares. Due to their strict enclosure, they were worried that the tower would be too high and it would have a view of their garden.

During your stay in the city, we also recommend that you visit the Franciscan monastery on the islet Košljan where you can pray surrounded by the untouched nature and peace. Franciscan had a big impact on the religious life on the island and inside the monastery, you can see the archeological, sacral and ethnological museum. For more information about the sacral program and museum visit, contact them directly on +385 51 854 017 or

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