Explore City History – Experience Krk
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Explore City History

Explore City History


per person

Once you pass by the Town Council Hall famous for its clock, you’ll find yourself at the Vela Placa Square, home to the six-sided well that dates back to the 16th century. This square hides a valuable archeological site in the town walls, dating from the 3rd or 4th century BC. Close to Vela Placa you can go for a drink at the caffe bar Volsonis, where you`ll be surrounded with valuable archeological artifacts and ancient city walls from the 4th century AD.

Another unique archaeological site, the remains of the only Temple of Venus on the eastern side of the Adriatic, can be found inside the local shop Memento. Walking further through the old town from the Temple of Venus, you’ll find the old Christian cathedral that was built on the remains of the Roman baths.

Close to the cathedral is Kamplin Square. From here you can step inside Frankopan castle, a fortress that was used to defend the city and as a residence for the Frankopan family.

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