Pohodništvo – Experience Krk
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Otok Krk ima blago mediteransko klimo in čudovito naravo, ki spomladi in jeseni na Krk privabi pohodnike. Sprehajalne poti, ki potekajo ob morju (lungomare) in ob obali, so idealne za vse generacije. Obstaja tudi več tematskih poti, ki jih priporočamo družinam z otroki in rekreativnim sprehajalcem – Po Zlatih kapljah krškega zaklada, Sprehajalni poti kraškega ribnika otoka Krk in Stezi glagolice. Te tematske poti so odličen način za raziskovanje kulturne dediščine otoka Krka in spoznavanje njegovih naravnih lepot in gastronomske dediščine.

Zahtevnejše poti, ki vodijo skozi nedotaknjeno naravo, so namenjene profesionalnim alpinistom in izkušenim pohodnikom. Na svojo pametno napravo lahko prenesete program Krk Hike (prenos za iPhone, prenos za Android) in izveste več o vsaki poti.

seeingwithmyheart, Montenegro

"The food was amazing.... and the views reminiscent of ancient Greece"

Kristen K, Connecticut

" ...the views and color of the water, breathtaking! It reminded me of California a bit, but there is no water that color in California!...a must see!!!"

Cropelka, Poland

" a place for those who need peace and quiet on their holiday. It's worth a longer stay, otherwise you might not discover the whole peace and beauty... The pebble beaches there are really excellent and one of the most beautiful in Croatia"

Asiyah Noemi K, Pula

"Untouched nature, wonderful people and rich history make this place special. Architecture in the city of Krk is enchanting. Everything is built in stone like a castle, an exterior wall, a town hall, squares ... beautiful and relaxing"

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