City Walls – Experience Krk
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City Walls

City walls

The city walls in Krk date back from the 1st century BC and their remains can still be seen today in the grounds of the cafe Volsonis. Throughout the centuries the city walls and towers were built, with the last extension happening in the 15th century and these are still well preserved today.

The city walls have encompassed the town completely and the main entrance to the town from the coast was the large town doors first mentioned in 14th century.

The only town square in Krk that has managed to preserve the characteristics of a square until today is the square Vela placa, which includes a six-sided well from the 16th century. Vela placa square is a valuable archeological site along with Perossi house (café Volsonis), where the oldest part of the town city walls can be found.

The city walls were used for the defense of the city and an important part of this fortification was the medieval and Renaissance towers that are still visible today.

The only town square in Krk that has managed to preserve the characteristics of a square until today is the Vela Market Place, which includes a six-sided well from the 16th century. Vela Market Place is a valuable archeological site along with Perossi house (café Volsonis), where the oldest part of the town city walls can be found.

The city walls were used for the defense of the city and an important part of this fortification was the medieval and Renaissance towers that are still visible today.


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