Sun & Sea – Experience Krk
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Sun & Sea

Explore the best holiday destinations in Croatia

If you’re searching where to go on holiday in Croatia, Krk is definitely among the best places to stay. Turquoise clean sea and rocky beaches are just some of the reasons why the City of Krk is the best place for holiday and your ideal destination in Croatia.

Walking along the coastline, close to the Old Town Krk, you will come across several shoal or rocky town beaches with the wonderful landscaped sunbathing areas.

seeingwithmyheart, Montenegro

"The food was amazing.... and the views reminiscent of ancient Greece"

Kristen K, Connecticut

" ...the views and color of the water, breathtaking! It reminded me of California a bit, but there is no water that color in California!...a must see!!!"

Cropelka, Poland

" a place for those who need peace and quiet on their holiday. It's worth a longer stay, otherwise you might not discover the whole peace and beauty... The pebble beaches there are really excellent and one of the most beautiful in Croatia"

Asiyah Noemi K, Pula

"Untouched nature, wonderful people and rich history make this place special. Architecture in the city of Krk is enchanting. Everything is built in stone like a castle, an exterior wall, a town hall, squares ... beautiful and relaxing"

Through the years, Krk town beaches have won six Blue flags, a symbol of the high seawater quality and associated amenities such as sanitary, hospitality, recreational …

So, when you’re on Krk where to go? You can enjoy your summer holiday walking along the shoreline or find your hidden shoal cove on these rocky beaches at the shades of pine trees. Or you can swim and snorkel, rent a pedal boat, and much more.

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